What's in YR Fridge, Guy Gerber?
by Sid Feddema
Guy Gerber is a DJ that earns his bread and deserves his cred. The restless Israeli musician and producer is known for his feats of endurance – spinning for 12 hours straight at Burning Man, for instance – as well as for his continuous genre-spanning creative production. He's collaborated with Puff Daddy, remixed New Order, and travelled the world throwing clandestine underground dance parties all while consistently releasing albums that do that increasingly rare thing in the world of electronic music: sound like nothing else. He synthesizes influences that range from My Bloody Valentine to R&B, creating an instantly recognizable brand of shoegazey progressive house. But do all these words really give you a sense of the man? Not really. So we caught up with Gerber on the eve of the return of his much-loved RUMORS party to Los Angeles (April 1st in Chinatown, with DJ Harvey!) to answer the all-important question: What's in your fridge?