What's in Yr Fridge, David Rose?
by flaunt
When eyewear designer David Rose isn't bouncing around the globe exploring the Earth for what it's worth, he's in California, working on his S.A.L.T. eyewear line.
SALT. draws its inspiration for all seasonal collections from nature’s effortless beauty-- the Sea, the Air, the Land and their Timeless connection. Influenced by their deep appreciation for Timeless beauty, this seasons' names and styles are reminiscent of the classic styles and designs of the 80's. SALT. combines the best of custom materials and Japanese craftsmanship to produce the finest in premium eyewear.
Since forming the brand in 2006, Rose continues to push out stylish eyewear using unique materials and frames to this day.
Flaunt had the opportunity to enter Rose's inspiring and creative workspace where we took the time to ask him our favorite question: "Hey David, What's in Yr Fridge?"