The Glow Up | The Morning After Bloom
by BJ Panda Bear
It’s now close to the end of the first month of 2020 already, we have extended our 2019 habits for a little while. Now we are in dire need for water and a little extra help that will keep us looking fresh. Let’s be real it is super hard to say no to a night out of cocktailing once you’ve gotten back into the stress of work. While our other beauty counterparts are all solidly glowing from their 30 day stint of consecutive hot yoga, we are struggling to try to be fully functioning adult humans aka not gorging in survivalist manner on our fully loaded avocado toast every other morning.
Then there is the issue of possibility of the over done makeup. Fear not! We have you sorted with a few hacks that will bring you a natural look while still covering up, think of it as The Morning After Bloom. The key is letting people know you had a wild night out, though you are still glowing too hard with that defused lighting aesthetic that makes them all jealous of your understated well conceived look. This is all to blame on the effortless Caroline de Maigret, Alison Mosshart, and the slightest bit of Euphoria cool. No one has to really know that you secretly have a routine to look this nonchalant.