Weekend Recall: Night Drive
by Kylie Obermeier
Rodney Connell and Brandon Duhon’s music is exactly the thing you want to be listening to while cruising the grimy, neon-bathed streets of Hollywood at night, pretending that you’re Ryan Gosling in Drive. The Austin-based duo embody this dark and cinematic synthwave aesthetic down to their moniker—Night Drive—and met in a fittingly dramatic way: after a woman they were dating at the same time, unbeknownst to each other, was killed in a car crash in 2013. Fast-forward four years and Connell and Duhon have been able to create something great out of this tragedy. The band is set to release their self-titled debut, Night Drive, on Roll Call Records this June, but for now you can listen to infinitely danceable single “Rise and Fall” and watch the accompanying trippy LSD trip of a video, at the bottom of this post. We asked Night Drive to take us behind the wheel for a weekend in their world, which meant hopping all over NYC as they put the work in before the album drops, but there was time for a bit of fun as well: